No Excuses: Make Art with What We Have

June 9th, 2012
No Excuses: Make Art with What We Have

On my recent trip through South Dakota I was reminded of another journey. A decade or so ago I was invited to present work at a conference on Children and the Environment, in Suzdal, Russia. The participants stayed in an austere 14th century convent. We ate our meals under the arched ceiling in a convent […]

How to choose a Roommate

August 14th, 2011
Liza Myers Gallery, Shard Nest, Acrylic Painting

Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely. -Karen Kaiser Clark When you choose an art work, you are choosing a roommate, a life companion. I highly recommend that you choose carefully. Follow your heart! Art can be inspiring, soothing, stimulating, energizing. Sometimes it speaks to sorrow, sometimes to joy. Sometimes you just LIKE it […]

I am moving my Studio!!!!

August 8th, 2011
Liza in Granary Studio

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. -Walt Disney GROAN! I am moving! But it’s the grunt work of the move that is daunting. The editing and decision making and tossing of things that once seemed indispensable! Once that’s done […]

What is Success? Part One: Success in Teaching in the Arts

April 28th, 2011
blue ribbon

When nothing is sure, everything is possible. ~Margaret Drabble I’ve had my share of wins in my two professions: art and teaching. Artist friends are often disbelieving that I keep on teaching, and put so much time into it. Teaching colleagues don’t understand why I am driven to still do all-nighters to finish work for […]

Aloha and Mahalo

April 13th, 2011
Aloha and Mahalo

This is the most magnificent, balmy atmosphere in the world– ought to take dead men out of grave. Mark Twain in Hawaii As usual, Mark Twain is correct. Hawaii does have magnificent, balmy sea breezes which rustle through the palm fronds and froth the translucent waves. I had never been to these islands before, but […]

Why Do We Create?

February 13th, 2011
Why Do We Create?

Creativity is a drug I cannot live without. – Cecil B. de Mille I can only speak for myself. One of my earliest memories is sitting in the sun in the field below my home making things with sticky red Maryland clay. I was three or four years old. How did I know that the […]

Why Do We Create?

February 13th, 2011

Creativity is a drug I cannot live without. – Cecil B. de Mille I can only speak for myself. One of my earliest memories is sitting in the sun in the field below my home making things with sticky red Maryland clay. I was three or four years old. How did I know that the […]

Art, Honor, Good Sense and the kindness of friends

May 17th, 2010
Art, Honor, Good Sense and the kindness of friends

“Never give in, never give in, never; never; never; never – in nothing, great or small, large or petty – never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense” Winston Churchill Thanks Winston! Great advice. I think you might have painted this too, had you not been so busy saving the free world! […]

Tricking myself…

April 18th, 2010
Tricking myself...

Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we do. – Confucius Finding myself up against the creative wall, sometimes I have to crawl over the obstacle. So many things can cause a stumble off the path towards well intentioned goals.  A phone call, burned cookies, stubbed toes, emails, […]

Nightmare on Art Street

April 17th, 2010
Nightmare on Art Street

I have had dreams, and I have had Nightmares. I overcame the Nightmares because of my dreams. Dr. Jonas Salk Do you have bad dreams? Do night terrors awake you in the wee hours, in the darkness, rigid with tension and uncertain of what is real:  your dream, or the comfortable pillow under your head? […]