Aartz West! A new adventure in the arts!

October 11th, 2015
Aartz West! A new adventure in the arts!

TA DA!!! Announcing AARTZ WEST!!! Here’s to freedom, cheers to art. Here’s to having an excellent adventure and may the stopping never start. -Jason Mraz I  am embarking on a new adventure! I’m very excited about opening a new creative haven and teaching studio in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where I can share creative processes […]

Damn the torpedos! (or how the arts can change a community.)

August 8th, 2014
Damn the torpedos!                                    (or how the arts can change a community.)

A few years ago I was invited (as a community leader?) to give a presentation to a regional group of several hundred women. It was quite an honor to be asked. I just re-read my presentation, and thought I would share it here. What I wrote is about life and art and moving forward against […]

Boring! vs. Art

December 15th, 2013
Boring!  vs. Art

People often ask me how long I’ve been an artist… The answer of course, is FOREVER… but how did it start?    Perhaps it began in the sandpile, or with a box of crayons or clay from the ditch behind the house. Many long summer hours were spent creating dolls from hollyhock blossoms using my […]

From the studio:

July 21st, 2013
From the studio:

People often ask how long I’ve been working on a particular painting… It’s sort of a silly question. I remember my doctor telling me that the surgery on my carpal tunnel would only take 20 minutes or so, which made the price seem exorbitant.  But she had spent 20 years perfecting her technique, which made […]

Whirlwind of Art: Summer Aartz

July 4th, 2013
Whirlwind of Art: Summer Aartz

Parents ask how it happens. How So many children walk out of my studio at the end of four jam-packed days of  Summer Aartz camp with SO much wonderful art. The answer is that it isn’t hard and it isn’t easy. But it is intense. I have students from ages 7-17. The common denominator is […]

Color and Pizzazz in the Animal Kingdom

September 4th, 2011
Color and Pizzazz in the Animal Kingdom

“I want the viewer to walk away having felt something.” – Linda St. Clair I recently visited the studio of artist Linda St. Clair in Santa Fe, New Mexico. What a delight! Her airy studio is a sky-lit space filled with color and energy. Linda paints animals of all sorts and sizes, furry and feathered. […]

Color and Pizzazz in the Animal Kingdom

September 4th, 2011

“I want the viewer to walk away having felt something.” – Linda St. Clair I recently visited the studio of artist Linda St. Clair in Santa Fe, New Mexico. What a delight! Her airy studio is a sky-lit space filled with color and energy. Linda paints animals of all sorts and sizes, furry and feathered. […]

I am moving my Studio!!!!

August 8th, 2011
Liza in Granary Studio

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. -Walt Disney GROAN! I am moving! But it’s the grunt work of the move that is daunting. The editing and decision making and tossing of things that once seemed indispensable! Once that’s done […]

Blast off at the Torpedo Factory Art Center

July 13th, 2011
Blast off at the Torpedo Factory Art Center

I can’t image anything more worthwhile than doing what I most love. And they pay me for it. Edgar Winter I do my work for the love of it. And when I am paid and someone takes it away it is always difficult, but gratifying.  It means someone loved it, and it supports the creation […]


May 7th, 2011

The more I want to get something done the less I call it work. Richard Bach Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work. Aristotle There are many quotations about how lucky a person is  when they love the job they do. I completely agree. I’ve known since childhood that making art was my […]