
March 6th, 2018

Energy and persistence conquer all things. – Benjamin Franklin     He was a very clever man, that Ben Franklin, as we know. Also brilliant, lustful, charming and cultured. Another one of his sayings that I admire (and lament not being able to actuate) is the good old: early to bed and early to rise, […]

Painting LIVE!

September 24th, 2015
Painting LIVE!

Everything you want is just outside your comfort zone. -Robert Allen. Standing in a public place working on my paintings all day? Making decisions, trying them out, then trying something different? With everyone watching??? (gulp!!!) Art is a conversation. I make a mark,  the painting responds. I hear my muse telling me the next step.  […]

A Brief Report from Indian Market 2015 Santa Fe

August 27th, 2015
A Brief Report from Indian Market 2015 Santa Fe

With beauty before me I walk With beauty behind me I walk With beauty above me I walk With beauty around me I walk -Navajo Blessing Way Ceremony. These are the closing lines from the Navajo Blessing Way Ceremony. As I walked through the streets of Santa Fe, looking at so much beauty, so much […]