Always Searching: Cañon de Chelley

December 3rd, 2018
Always Searching: Cañon de Chelley

In beauty I walk With beauty before me I walk With beauty behind me I walk With beauty above me I walk With beauty around me I walk It has become beauty again Navajo Prayer   The home of Spider Woman is a small, ancient stone structure at the base of Spider Rock in Canyon […]

A Brief Report from Indian Market 2015 Santa Fe

August 27th, 2015
A Brief Report from Indian Market 2015 Santa Fe

With beauty before me I walk With beauty behind me I walk With beauty above me I walk With beauty around me I walk -Navajo Blessing Way Ceremony. These are the closing lines from the Navajo Blessing Way Ceremony. As I walked through the streets of Santa Fe, looking at so much beauty, so much […]

Petroglyphs and Jackrabbits.

April 13th, 2012
Petroglyphs and Jackrabbits.

“What is a country without rabbits and partridges? – Henry David Thoreau Thoreau retreated into nature. My retreat here at the Wurlitzer Foundation is much more comfortable than Thoreau’s cabin on Walden Pond. But the time is almost over.  It has been a very productive experience in  many ways. An unanticipated aspect is that I […]

Floating Artists

October 18th, 2011
Floating Artists

Not all who wander are  lost.  –Tolkein I have been wandering. Not alone, but with a group of students from Castleton State College. We’ve been all over the southwestern US. Studying art and anthropology, we are finding both in abundance. The markings left by ancient people resonate with their ancestral traditions. Art is what we […]

When Art reaches out and Grabs you

September 20th, 2011
When Art reaches out and Grabs you

“What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. –Crowfoot, Blackfoot warrior & orator There are moments when art just reaches out and grabs you […]

Where to Begin?

December 1st, 2010
Where to Begin?

Then we gather as we travel, Bits of moss and dirty gravel. And we chip of little specimens of stone And we carry home as prizes Funny bugs of handy sizes Just to give the day a scientific tone. -Charles Carryl I have just arrived  back in the northern forests of New England after three […]