Painting in Machu Picchu August 2006

December 10th, 2006

P1010213 I am an artist.I always said I would be one when I grew up.Thinking of the stages through which we pass enroute to becoming/being an artist… Climbing that long, inward ladder of introspection, as we hone skills and accumulate tools with which we create. Art is communication, whatever mode or style or medium we […]

Painting in Machu Picchu August 2006

December 10th, 2006
Painting in Machu Picchu August 2006

P1010213 I am an artist.I always said I would be one when I grew up.Thinking of the stages through which we pass enroute to becoming/being an artist… Climbing that long, inward ladder of introspection, as we hone skills and accumulate tools with which we create. Art is communication, whatever mode or style or medium we […]