Migration from Vox to WordPress

April 10th, 2010

“All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy;
for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves;
we must die to one life before we can enter another.”
Anatole France
Saying goodbye for now to Vox
Some questions:

1) Do you find it difficult to make a move, leave the familiar behind and venture forth into the unknown?

2) Do you blog for interaction? To share? To invite the world into your living room?

Vox has been a fun, satisfying blog platform since 2007. I really LIKED my Vox blog. The ease with which you can tweak color, type sizes and placement is very user-friendly. BUT bloggers blog to reach out into the cyber-world and interact and sadly, Vox has obstructed that.

Right from the very beginning emails arrived in my inbox saying:
“I tried to comment on your blog but decided not to because I didn’t want to sign up for one more cyber-membership.”  Already existing members of the Vox community participate, but that’s a fraction of the cyber world.

Another significant factor in the switch is that I will soon be publishing my new website, which is being developed on WordPress. Yet another important push that got me to leap off the plank is the Blog Triage Class that I’m working on with Alyson Stanfield and Cynthia Morris. I was in the process of doing this when Alyson sent out a podcast recommending it! (Though she did say to wait until after the class- Oops!)

Honing and tweaking the new blog will take a little while, but is undoubtedly a worth while goal!
I’m planning to upgrade and pizzazz up the new blog over the next few weeks.
Stop by, and please comment!

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