A day with the Artist…

September 6th, 2008

There is only one success–to be able to spend your life in your own way.

Christopher Morley

The Southern Vermont Art Center has a fabulous exhibit up right now: a Janet Fish retrospective. Her work has been consistent since she began painting cellophane wrapped fruit and veggies in the early seventies. Huge writhing canvases shimmering with light, speaking the language of reflection. The more recent works show us her life in central Vermont, not far from the SVAC.  Every inch of surface is brought to life with visible brush stroke and color. The complements of orange and turquoise vibrate. The cat is suspended in mid-air as she leaps, the milk will forever trickle motionlessly. Narrative rather than portrait, and yet still a portrait of Fish's life.
An inspiration to spend the day with her.

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