Studio time

May 22nd, 2008

"It is natural for man to indulge in the illusion of hope."

– Patrick Henry

And we know what happened to him.

He lives forever in the minds
of thoughtful citizens

as one man who gave everything
for his belief.

Passion, focus and sacrifice.

I am perennially hopeful. Not much for sacrifice. Certainly not on a grand scale. But it is increasingly important to think of these greater spirits in these times of chaotic, distracted self-indulgence.

Uninterrupted studio time in a spacious studio, with great natural light and an incredible view. Talk about self-indulgence. Focus and passion are essential. I begin with color pours, just trying to get my hands in the dirt… a feel for where I am and what I am doing… These little exercises seem pointless, but at least I am doing something with interesting (to me) results. Like push-ups. The struggle to get into gear in a new space.

Meanwhile, I am surrounded by astonishing vistas, amazing natural beauty. Raw earth on an immense scale. The sounds of spring bird call are everywhere, rushing snow melt and flowers in the the meadows.
Much rain, though. Mist and clouds.

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