Milky Way

March 31st, 2008


-Mark Twain

What a brilliant man!

Pouring liquid colors, dark on light, luminous and translucent onto dark opaques, with interjections of texture, roughness, sparkle and energy.
It is quite a thrilling and entertaining exploration… Then comes the opportunity to juxtapose the details of life's complexity. Is it okay to have this much fun when I am working?

It's a good thing to have some flowing fun, and to labor less agonizingly every once in a while. My puritanical fore-mothers might not approve, but oh well…
I'm going for it
, especially on this dismally gray New England day.
is ever-so quiet, hunkering down in glowering hibernation mode, yearning for the first green shoot to emerge from the dingy snowbanks.

Spring happens.

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