Dark of the year…

December 22nd, 2007

This is a world of action, and not for moping and droning in.
Charles Dickens

Winter solstice: darkness prevails. It would be easy to mope and drone.
listening to the resonance of Bach's Cello Suite #4 in E flat… rich and energetic cello, soaring and looping like a bird in flight… Perfect for dismal winter day on the darkest day of the year.
Following the advice of Alyson Stanfield who has a fabulous art business consultation website. I went wandering on the web looking for old friends and their blogs. That and a card from Carel Pieter Brest Van Kampen led me to two fabulous sites:
Carel's http://rigorvitae.blogspot.com/ Carel's vibrant work has amazed me and the rest of the world of art and science since long before I met him. He is an amazing piano player too!

and Birdspot, the sketchblog of Catherine Hamilton, with delicate pencil drawings that I would love to see in the real world.Two completely different artists who see deeply.
Meanwhile I am doing my own looping with the new heart nest, twining delicate ribbon into the grasses, over a deep red and gold surface.


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