I am moving my Studio!!!!

August 8th, 2011
Liza in Granary Studio

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. -Walt Disney GROAN! I am moving! But it’s the grunt work of the move that is daunting. The editing and decision making and tossing of things that once seemed indispensable! Once that’s done […]

Tis a poor craftswoman who blames her tools…

April 7th, 2011
Tis a poor craftswoman who blames her tools...

          Anything you can do needs to be done, so pick up the tool of your choice and get started. Ben Linder Perhaps it’s frivolous to write a quote about art tools while quoting Ben Linder, but I know that he would undoubtedly have approved of choosing the appropriate tools to […]