What is Success? Part One: Success in Teaching in the Arts

April 28th, 2011
blue ribbon

When nothing is sure, everything is possible. ~Margaret Drabble I’ve had my share of wins in my two professions: art and teaching. Artist friends are often disbelieving that I keep on teaching, and put so much time into it. Teaching colleagues don’t understand why I am driven to still do all-nighters to finish work for […]

Aloha and Mahalo

April 13th, 2011
Aloha and Mahalo

This is the most magnificent, balmy atmosphere in the world– ought to take dead men out of grave. Mark Twain in Hawaii As usual, Mark Twain is correct. Hawaii does have magnificent, balmy sea breezes which rustle through the palm fronds and froth the translucent waves. I had never been to these islands before, but […]

Tis a poor craftswoman who blames her tools…

April 7th, 2011
Tis a poor craftswoman who blames her tools...

          Anything you can do needs to be done, so pick up the tool of your choice and get started. Ben Linder Perhaps it’s frivolous to write a quote about art tools while quoting Ben Linder, but I know that he would undoubtedly have approved of choosing the appropriate tools to […]