Blood Moon Eclipse

April 14th, 2014
Moon Dance; clay, acrylic paint; 20" x 14"

Moon Dance; clay, acrylic paint; 20″ x 14″ x 3″

Once, while camping in the desert in Utah, I was surprised by a full lunar eclipse. The night was so bright that I could literally read a book by moonlight. The canyon walls were sandstone-warm, and red even in the semi-darkness. Somehow, despite the fact that we were all quite attuned to such celestial and scientific events, none of us had taken note. None of us were expecting it.

So, at 3 am, when the sky gods began to eat the moon, I was filled with a primordial wonder and overwhelming exhilaration. I knew immediately what was happening, but it was so immense in scale, so filled with awe, so overwhelming…

I felt as if I had been swept upriver, downriver… across the galaxy into an ancient awareness, an ancient sense of wonder. Into a rhythm that was celestial and earthly at the same time.

Dive of the Eclipse study, 12" x 14" x 3", clay and acrylic paint. Private collection

Diva of the Eclipse, study, 12″ x 14″ x 3″, clay and acrylic paint. Private collection

When I returned to the studio I immediately began a series of eclipse images. Moon Dance drawings. Moon goddess sculpture. The power of the moon is deeply, undeniably feminine.

Untitled, Clay with  acrylic paint, 15" x 10"

Untitled, Clay with acrylic paint, 15″ x 10″ x 3″


So tonight in my studio, paint brush in hand, I await the Blood Moon Eclipse.
I am working.
I am waiting.

Coyotes are calling on the hills nearby. They are waiting too.


Diva of the Eclipse, 42″ x 33″ x 20″, clay with acrylic paint.

The science of an eclipse is simple,  yet I am filled with wondrous anticipation.

If I am extremely fortunate this event will bring more than the energy that a full moon always delivers.

Moondance II, clay with acrylic paint, private collection

Moondance II, clay with acrylic paint, private collection


May the skies be clear wherever you are.



3 Responses to “Blood Moon Eclipse”

  1. NanciHersh says:

    sounds so primal, I love it. Love the moon and the power it evokes in us. Your work here really captures this beauty and power.

  2. helen says:

    Liza, I just love the whole series here – it’s intriguing and stirring and inspires me alot! Beautiful work.

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