Resurrection (I love my studio)

January 1st, 2013
Studio Ready for Studio Holiday Sale

Studio Ready for Studio Open House

I love my studio. The lights are bright, the space is airy and it doesn’t matter if I spill buckets of paint on the floor. Which I often do in the process of pouring the multi-layered backgrounds I often put on the work.

Since Tropical Storm Irene hit us head on a year ago it has been a very slow process of resurrection- but it’s done. Fully functioning at last. Ready for 2013

Heart Nest

Heart Nest, acrylic on canvas © liza myers           30″ x 40″

For the holiday season I set it up as a gallery with a wide variety of works, old and new, and a giant table of prints. It was very good to see old friends- images which I’d put away for a while. And great to have the space cleared out and spiffed up.

It will be open for viewing by appointment any time! Just pop me an email to coordinate a visit

I’m in the process of preparing for a solo show in St. Johnsbury at the Northeast Kingdom Artisans Guild January 19th- February 28. This is the image that they have used for an invitation.

8 Responses to “Resurrection (I love my studio)”

  1. You are one of the most amazing and inspirational artists for me. I’m so happy to see that you have such a wonderful space after all you’ve been through. Please send me an invite. PO box 146, N springfield, vt 05150

  2. Marilyn says:

    Congratulations! A beautiful resurrection. This could be a wonderful place to reunite our writer’s group – a first gathering after a long while of being apart – and toast 2013 and the “resurrection” with a glass of bubbly.

  3. says:

    Dear Liza, I wish you much contentment and inspiration in your new studio! Each of your works are just so exciting! Be well and enjoy your new space. What are the dates for your upcoming exhibit? Fondly, Dolores Park

  4. karendeets says:

    I am so blown away by your art and adventures!
    And I am very happy to see that your space has revived!
    As the gallery scene changes in Brandon, my suggestion is to put a temporary sandwich (in front of the sandwich shop???) sign up when you are open. Is the entrance through the sandwich shop? Visitors are sometimes eager to take in the Brandon art scene. Warren has managed to do the “open by chance or appointment” hours.
    The more art the merrier!

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